What is the lead time on your holsters?

 Holster shipping times are stated here.


What materials do you use on your holsters?

We only use the best leather from Hermann Oak Leather

Do you have reinforcements on your holsters?

No, My holsters don't need them. The materials and the process I use makes them extremely stiff. My view on reinforcements is that if a holster has one, it's because it needs it. Maybe the reinforcement will never get soft. But what about the rest of it?

How well is the retention on your holsters?

Our retention is very snug  and is mostly based off of the trigger guard. Most of our holsters will actually click or pop when you holster your weapon. Telling you that it's a perfect fit.

How well is your boning or definition of the firearm?

Well I think that our holsters definition is the best. I form every holster several times at different stages in my holster process to get the best definition and fit as possible.

I don't just bone the firearm on the holster. I form the holster around the firearm.

For a perfect fit!!!

How much room do you have for tall sights?

I make my own custom sight rail modifications on my mold guns. They are 3/8 tall and taper from the slide to the top. My rail also tapers down and stops at the breach which allows the firearm to lock into the holster with out any slack at the top of the holster.

What kind of maintenance do I have to do to your holsters?

Nothing!!! No wax, No buffing, absolutely nothing!!!.

How water resistant are your holsters?

Our holsters are very water resistant. I think we are one of very few holster makers that submerge seal our holsters.

How stiff are your holsters?

My holsters are comparable to horse hide. My process gives my holsters there strength and water resistance properties.

What is your warranty?

I back all my holsters with a limited life time warranty.

Even against becoming soft!!! Under normal use. Driving over it with your truck. Probably not.